犬と二人暮らし 〜黒い犬と紫な人




Walking on the rider bank 昨日は雨が降っていてお散歩もうまくできなかったからか、マカロンは寝る前に暴れまわり、ちゃんと寝てくれませんでした。。。 そして私は激おこという。。。。だめですね。。。 なので今日はお散歩二回か長めのお散歩をしてマカ…

Last night, Macaron could not be calm to sleep.

Walking on the rider bank Yesterday, it was rainy day. So we cannot walk outside enough.... It may be why before sleep, Macaron cannot be calm. Running around, walking around, try to play with my hair. And I got angry. But it is not good. …


家で仕事をしていると、犬が膝に乗ってくる幸せ🐶💕🐶 でも集中力は損なわれます💦 Umi and Macaron on Instagram: “[20200511 Mon Morning] Work with dog 🐶 👩‍💻 During #stayhome , I always be with Macaron even when working. She loves to be here. But soon…” い…